COVID-Safe Policy

(effective 7th February 2022; updated 31st May 2022)


This COVID-Safe Policy is written with the aim of minimising risk to the health and safety of our members, their close contacts, and any individuals who engage with the Association while COVID-19 remains a public health concern in the community.

All members and Association visitors are required to adhere to this COVID-Safe Policy, as updated on 31st May 2022. This Policy is subject to review as State public health directives in WA change. Updates to this policy will be communicated to our members via email and uploaded to our website.


  • Member and Association visitor vaccination requirements are to be consistent with the current WA State public health measures in place at the time. Visitors include but are not limited to prospective members, guest musicians, parents entering the rehearsal space, workshop leaders, and conductors;
  • The Secretary is responsible for viewing proof of vaccination status when required and keeping timely and accurate membership records;
  • Members acknowledge that external event hirers who engage the Association’s services may request proof of vaccination status as a condition of performing at their event. Members must produce current proof of vaccination status to the Association when required should they wish to participate in that specific performance.


  • Mask usage requirements are to be consistent with the current WA State public health measures in place at the time;
  • If indoor mask mandates are enacted, woodwind and brass players are exempt from wearing a mask while playing their instrument during rehearsals only.


  • The requirement for members and visitors to register attendance is to be consistent with current WA State public health measures in place at the time.


  • Members must not share mouthpieces, instruments or reeds;
  • Brass and woodwind players should have a towel or cloth close by to absorb spit.


  • Hand sanitiser and sanitising wipes are available at rehearsals to help members and visitors manage the spread of contaminants before, during and/or after practice.


  • Please stay home if you are generally unwell, are deemed a close contact as defined by current WA State definitions, or should be in isolation. Just email so your absence is recorded.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and responsible actions that help to minimise the health risk to our members and associates.

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