Combined Districts Concert Band is located in Perth, Western Australia. We are a community woodwind, brass and percussion ensemble made up of volunteer musicians aged 16 and over. All ages are welcome.

We play a wide variety of musical styles throughout the year: original compositions, military marches, pop covers, and classical. Our performances vary too: community fairs, Christmas parties, ANZAC Day parade, Carols by Candlelight, State Championships, and our own concerts.

No audition is needed to join the Band. Our repertoire is often ‘A’ and ‘B’ grade standard, or Grade 3+ in difficulty, meaning around an AMEB Grade 4 level.

We are particularly looking for the following instruments:

Tubas, Trombones, Trumpets, Percussion, Alto Saxophone

You are welcome to sit-in with us for a few rehearsals before deciding to join. Rehearsals are from 7pm to 9:15 pm every Monday night at the Floreat Salvation Army Corp building, corner of Salvado Rd and Brookdale St, Floreat. Our current music director is Mr Rob Gladstones.

Please contact our Secretary for more information, or download our Member’s Handbook here.

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