Combined Districts Concert Band is a community Band from Perth, Western Australia. We are a woodwind, brass and percussion ensemble. The current membership is around 35 players aged 16 and over. New members are always welcome to join without needing to audition. However, our repertoire is often ‘A’ or ‘B’ grade pieces, which need an instrument aptitude of at least Grade 4 to play well. Most members have their own instruments however we do have less common instruments like String Bass, Bassoon, French Horn, Piccolo and Bass Clarinet to loan out if the position is vacant.
The band performs regularly over the year, including competing in the State Championships, the ANZAC Day parade, the Perth Christmas Pageant, Bassendean Carols by Candlelight, and community fairs, as well as organising our own concerts.
The band has been led by our Music Director, Mr Rob Gladstones, since 2020.
Combined Districts Concert Band rehearses every Monday night:
Floreat Salvation Army
Cnr Brookdale St and Salvado Rd
Floreat WA 6014
Doors open at 6:30pm for players to be seated with their instrument ready for a 7pm start.
Rehearsals run until 9:15 pm including a short break.
In the lead up to competition season we might rehearse more frequently or for a longer session.
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